Pyörös School Lunch.
Pyörös school lunch splits opinions among the students
--------------------------------------------- Interview with an eight grader boy.
Do you like the food?
: Usually the food decent. But sometimes the food can be terrible or very good.
Do you eat school lunch everyday?
: Depends wheter i ate breakfast or not.
So usually no because most of the times the food is not something i like.
interview with an ninth grader girl.
Do you like the food?
: Sometimes its good and sometimes not so it depends.
Do you eat school lunch everyday?
: No I usually bring my own lunch.
What do you bring for lunch?
: Meatpie or croissants and juice.
-----------------------------------------------Interview with a school nurse
Do you like the food?
: Yes its many-sided in a good way. Its not the same everyday and its free.
Do you eat school lunch everyday?
: No. I usually bring my own lunch sometimes from the store sometimes homemade.
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