We interviewed Antti Mikkonen

1. What is your favorite food? - Italian pasta with carlic and tuna.

2. What is your favorite sport? - E-sports.

3. Do you have any pets? – 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs.

4. Do you believe in santa? - I have to believe because I have seen him.

5. Would you survive without phone? - If I had a computer, yes.

6. What is your car brand? – Opel.

7. What was your hobby when you was kid? – Reading.

8. Where do you want to travel? – To the USA.

9. What is it like to teach? – It’s the best part of my job.

10. What do you want for Christmas? – Peace and quiet.

11. What is your phone brand? – Samsung and Nokia.

12. What was your favorite subject in school? – English.

13. What do you want to become? – More relaxed.

14. What you can´t stand? – Too selfish people.

15. Where you would live in the countryside or in city? – In Siilinjärvi which is both.

Kaisa 8A and Nur 8B.
